About Us
Hi Folks! We are Winston and Millie the creators of Folk Like These. We are a couple of creatives that have found sharing our love of making immensely rewarding. We are both trained teachers and in 2019 we leapt out of the classroom and into our own bricks and mortar shop and workshop space.
The idea for Folk Like These came from a craving for a space that had everything needed for creativity: inspiration, materials and knowledge. Because a journey is best shared and who can become a creative genius without a little nudge in the right direction?

We want to give you the tools you need to be creative. We are claiming this corner of the internet for a community of creatives. Sharing tutorials, guides and inspiration to help spark your creativity as well as beautifully designed products to bring joy to any workspace.
We want to bring together the doodlers, the daydreamers, the lunchtime adventurers and stationery enthusiasts.
Our mission is to help Folk Like These create everyday.